SenseInception/ AI SOLUTION

Product description
Tailored for multiple cultural/ tourism business scenarios, an Augmented Reality (AR) space computing platform is built by SenseTime to integrate virtual and real interactive experiences
Based on the 3D high-precision map technology
Linking the physical world and the digital world
How it benefit your business
Brand competitiveness
AR advertising leasing
Organic traffics from end users: through strong interactive activities
Unique end-user insights: by innovative approaches for multi-purpose business uses
Core function
AR navigation
Real-time positions and navigates end users to the desired destination by AR virtual route
Position deviation does not exceed 2 meters
Virtual Marketing
Integrated AR visual and features in marketing campaigns brings end-user experience to the next level
AR interaction
Multi-media virtual content enriches the navigation experience and encourage end users to strongly interact
AI Analysis
Well-designed to extract valuable end-user insights from their interactive behaviors and to better manage the content distribution

AR Navigation & Route
Real-time positioning
Destination search
2D and 3D map
Virtual route

AR Marketing
AR advertising
AR coupon
Smart content recommendation
Campaign management system

AR Interaction
AR guide tour
AR photograph
Multi-media AR subtitles display
AR 3D architect restoration
AR check-in
AR gamification

AI Analysis
Heat map statistics
Interactive behavior analysis